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Control the working hours of your employees with IsMyGym

Control the working hours of your employees with IsMyGym
  • By IsMyGym

Did you know that in Spain you can be penalized if you do not keep a record of the working hours of workers? This registration became mandatory after the publication of Royal Decree-Law 8/2019 of 8 March with the name "Urgent measures for social protection and fight against precarious work in the working day".

Under this rule, sports centres and gyms are required to record not only the hours worked but also the start and end of the working day. This information is recommended to be kept for a minimum of 4 years, during which time it should be available to workers, legal representatives and the Labour Inspectorate.

What happens if it not carried out?

Failure to comply with the regulations is a serious infringement, which can range from 600 euros to 6,250 euros. However, penalties are dependent on failure to comply with one or more time-keeping requirements.

How can you make sure that you comply with the law?

The tool with which you will record the day should be able to store the history for 4 years and be able to include the start time and end of the day. Are you sure you’re taking control properly under the eyes of the Time Control Act?

At IsMyGym we have developed the employees module which not only allows us to meet the requirements of the law, but also improves the management and organization of workers' schedules.

The system allows quickly and easily create employee schedules so that they can consult them from the application. In addition, these times will be taken into account for the recording of the day which, together with geolocation, will allow to schedule the entry and exit of workers according to the configuration. It is also possible to indicate a time margin for those who advance or delay in reaching their place of work and a radius that will validate if they are in the correct area.

In case you are interested...

IsMyGym is a software for the comprehensive management of sports centers and personal trainers. Among its functions are: payment of fees, purchase of bonuses, management of reservations/cancellations and waiting lists, loyalty system, communication groups, sports routines, nutrition and weight control, etc. And many more functionalities!
You just have to register your members, create a schedule with your activities and, now you can start working with IsMyGym! If you need more information don't hesitate to visit our website or fill in our contact form. In addition, you can register now and enjoy 30 days FREE.
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